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Spring 2022 RSAF Grant Cycle

Spring 2022 RSAF Grant Cycle

From the Office of EMS:

GRANT OPPORTUNITY - This opportunity is available for emergency medical services (EMS) agencies and other nonprofit organizations to apply for matching funds to support the purchase of equipment, training supplies, and special projects and priorities.

The Spring 2022 cycle of the RSAF competitive matching grant program begins on February 1, 2022. OEMS will accept applications from nonprofit licensed EMS agencies and other Virginia EMS organizations pursuant to § 32.1-111.12 until March 15, 2022. The grant period for RSAF is 12 months with July 1, 2022 as the start date, and June 30, 2023 as the end date.

Programs, services, and equipment funded by RSAF must comply with the plans, policies, procedures, and guidelines adopted by the EMS Advisory Board pursuant to §32.1-12 and 32.1-111.3 of the Code of Virginia. RSAF grants may be approved for the following:

  1. Establishment of a new EMS agency, program, or service where needed to improve emergency medical services offered in an area;
  2. Expansion or improvement of an existing EMS agency, program, or service;
  3. Replacement of equipment or procurement of new equipment; or
  4. Establishment, expansion or improvement of EMS training programs

Applications will be accepted via the EMS – Grant Information Funding Tool (E-GIFT) before 5 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) on March 15, 2022.

Read the full memo here.

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