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Discounted Regional Pricing for Handtevy

Discounted Regional Pricing for Handtevy

As you know, OEMS announced that it will no longer financially support Handtevy and agencies may need to provide funding starting around December 20th.

NVERS has negotiated discounted regional pricing for EMS agencies to procure Handtevy through NVERS after the expiration of the state contract. The terms include a 60% discount on setup fees, a 10% discount on annual Handtevy service, and an average annual uplift of 3% for the next three years (normally a 5% annual uplift). These discounted terms are only valid if most agencies participate in the regional procurement.

Please have an authorized representative complete the form below AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to commit your agency to procuring Handtevy through NVERS.

NVERS Handtevy Interest Form

Thank you,

Adam Buckley

Senior Project Manager

NVERS Northern Virginia Emergency Response System

Mobile: 571-441-1589


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