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Updates to CDC Strategies for Optimizing Supply of N95 Respirators

Updates to CDC Strategies for Optimizing Supply of N95 Respirators

The CDC recently updated its guidance document detailing Strategies for Optimizing the Supply of N95 Respirators during the ongoing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) shortage. Updates include:

Conventional capacity strategies

  • Edited the section on the use of airborne infection isolation rooms (AIIRs) for aerosol-generating procedures performed on patients with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 patients.
  • Added language on FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) authorizing the use of certain NIOSH-approved respirator models in healthcare settings to the section on N95 alternatives.

Contingency capacity strategies

  • Added a section on temporarily suspending annual fit testing following updated guidance from OSHA
  • Added more details in the extended use section.

Crisis capacity strategies

  • Added language on the use of respirators approved under international standards and updated the tables.
  • Combined sections on limited re-use of N95 respirators for tuberculosis and then COVID-19 patients. Added more details surrounding limited re-use.

The CDC also offers Information on the Decontamination and Reuse of Filtering Facepiece Respirators.

If you need assistance with or clarification regarding the implementation of this guidance, please reach out to your Local Health Department. If you need assistance contacting your Local Health Department, please let us know.

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