REMS Protocols

The following protocols have been approved by the Rappahannock Emergency Medical Services Council (REMSC) Guidelines and Training Committee as the Pre-Hospital Patient Care Protocol for agencies in the REMSC region. These treatments were developed through input and guidance from ALS and BLS providers in the region, as well as the various medical directors. The protocols are designed to provide information on procedures providers at different levels are permitted to do and denote standing orders for certain conditions. The medical director may choose to modify certain treatment recommendations for specific conditions and may even limit performance authorization for any provider at any level.

The treatment protocols are designed to give reminders and guidance for various conditions but are NOT a replacement for sound clinical judgment. As clinical guides, they are not intended to be educational documents and training should be completed PRIOR to their use to understand the information contained and the guidance that it provides. They also outline care for a typical presentation and may not fit exactly with the patient who has combined symptoms from multiple conditions. In cases where progressive care is indicated by permission for repeat orders, it is assumed that the prior care was not effective and the patient continues with symptoms or worsens. If additional treatment is not necessary you are not obligated to complete the entire treatment protocol just because it is written.

REMS 2024 Protocol Update 

Summary of Changes to Protocol, effective September 1, 2024