The REMS Council releases a weekly dispatch to update BOD members, OEMS and VDH stakeholders, and all interested parties in the news and happenings in the Council. To be added to our mailing list for DISPATCH, fill out this easy form.

From our President:

As you know, the Commonwealth has 11 EMS Councils, but a decision has been made to restructure that number to 7, necessitating adjustments to geographic territories by combining and redefining some boundaries. After reviewing multiple mapping options and gathering input from Regional Directors, the Presidents of the Councils’ Boards of Directors, OEMS, and VDH, a final map has been released.

On March 11, 2025, the Regional EMS Council Board Presidents met with VDH and OEMS leadership to discuss the mapping options presented by the workgroup. After reviewing the approved options, the Presidents unanimously voted to proceed with the attached map. This selection was based on its alignment with VDH Health Districts, the Virginia Healthcare Coalition map, and key patient access corridors.

In our region, this means that the REMS Council area will merge with the TJEMS Council area to form a new regional structure.

EMS Councils receive official Designation as an EMS Council from the Virginia Board of Health. As part of this transition, all existing Council Designations, set to expire on June 30, will be extended through December 31st. 

A new EMS Council Designation process will be developed and published. This process will begin with a review of the legislative code to establish the minimum requirements, which will serve as the foundation for all EMS Councils.

The process will continue to evolve as a new RFP process is created, which will include built-in checkpoints to periodically review and adjust the contract as needed, ensuring that regional needs are met while tracking benchmarks and key performance metrics. Additionally, we will contribute to shaping the new requirements in the Council contracts to ensure they align with the specific needs of each geographic area.

Recognizing the diversity of regions across the Commonwealth, flexibility will be a key consideration. We must define the baseline expectations and requirements for all Councils while allowing adaptability where necessary.

Entities successful in being awarded under the new RFP process will collaborate closely with the existing 11 Councils to facilitate a smooth transition. The new designations will take effect on January 1, 2026, following the RFP process.

Here is an abbreviated timeline:

June 30, 2025     Current designations of all eleven EMS Councils expire

July 1, 2025         All eleven current EMS Councils have their designations extended for six months

July 1 – Sept. 1   Designation process for EMS Councils in the seven new geographic boundaries. We will look at the legislative code to determine what the minimum requirements are. This will be the foundation for each of the Councils. We will also build into this opportunities to pause and revisit the contract periodically to ensure the needs are being met along with benchmarks and metrics.

Sept. 1 – Oct.1   Contract negotiations and formalization with seven newly designated Councils

Nov. 1, 2025        Prior to this date the current eleven Councils are notified of contract wind down towards the December 31, 2025 transition to the new Councils

January 1, 2026 Seven newly designated EMS Councils launch in the new geographic areas

We appreciate your patience and engagement as this process unfolds. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions—we’re here to support you through this transition. We will continue to use DISPATCH as a means of communication.

Questions about the process will be either answered individually or in DISPATCH in FAQ for EMS Council Planning

FAQ for EMS Council Planning

Are classes, equipment, and training still happening at REMS Council?

  • YES! The REMS Council Regional Training and Simulation is still active! If you would like to use the training center or equipment, please submit the request through our website.

Does this mean RSAF is going away?

  • NO! RSAF The financial assistance for Emergency Medical Services Grants Program, known as the Rescue Squads Assistance Fund (RSAF) is a grant program for nonprofit licensed EMS agency or other Virginia emergency medical service organization operating on a nonprofit basis exclusively for the benefit of the general public pursuant to § 32.1-111.12 of the Code of Virginia. It is different than EMS Councils.

Recently at the Council

  • February 24th-28th-REMS The Council hosted an education team from PHI during their QI Scene Simulations, providing recurrent simulation training. Throughout the day, air medical providers rotated through a series of hands-on stations, including the Immersive Room, SIM Ambulance, and structured debrief sessions. These rotations allowed participants to refine their critical thinking, enhance team communication, and apply best practices in high-stakes, prehospital air medical scenarios. The collaboration with PHI ensured realistic, scenario-based learning tailored to the dynamic challenges faced by air medical crews.
  • On February 24th, an interview was conducted for an additional ReEmployAbility volunteer The following day, February 25th, we welcomed Mr. Demetrius to the REMS team. He successfully completed onboarding training and is now assigned to the front desk.
  • February 25th- The RAHD MRC team continued their work digitizing the student files at REMS.
  • February 25th -REMS Regional Stroke Smart task force met. The meeting focused on expanding Stroke Smart initiatives across various sectors, including community groups, healthcare providers, and schools. Updates included the upcoming statewide MRC training with nearly 300 registrants, Stafford County’s official commitment to becoming a Stroke Smart community, and efforts to integrate Stroke Smart messaging into medical practices and patient portals. School-based programs are gaining traction, with Stafford’s Phoenix School leading Virginia’s first peer-led Stroke Smart initiative. Additionally, community outreach efforts are growing, with planned trainings at health fairs, faith-based groups, and senior centers. Moving forward, the team will standardize media branding, explore training opportunities using the Anatomage Table, and continue strengthening partnerships to enhance stroke awareness and education. The meetings are now scheduled for the 4th Tuesday of every month at 2PM. The Zoom link can be found here. The next meeting is March 25th at 2PM.
  • February 25th - REMS collaborated with the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) and the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) to deliver a statewide Stroke Smart train-the-trainer session. Building on local partnerships with the MRC, this initiative aimed to expand outreach and empower volunteers across Virginia to educate their communities. A total of 291 MRC members registered to become Stroke Smart trainers, equipping them with the knowledge and resources to promote stroke awareness in their respective areas. REMS also provided technical support during the session, ensuring a smooth and effective training experience.
  • On February 26th, students from Mountain View High School visited the REMS Council for a career exploration roundtable. Originally scheduled to visit REMS only, the REMS Council coordinated with the Fredericksburg Police Department to expand the experience, offering students the opportunity to start their day with a tour of the PSAP call center and discussions with SWAT officers and detectives. At REMS, they participated in discussions about career pathways with the Executive Director of the local Red Cross, a FBI representative, a Stafford Hospital Administrator, a Flight Medic from PHI, the MRC Coordinator/Deputy Emergency Coordinator from the Rappahannock Area Health District, and staff from REMS Council. The event provided valuable insights into a variety of public safety, healthcare, and emergency response careers.
  • On February 26th, the Cultural Diversity Workgroup met to review the recorded interviews with representatives from the Buddhist and Hindu faith communitiesREMS Council staff provided technical support during the session. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 27th, at 1400, and will be held in person at the REMS Council.
  • On February 28th, the Protocol Workgroup Meeting, which had been rescheduled due to weather, convened but did not achieve quorum.
  • COPE made significant strides in the Community Connect for Aging Adults (CCAA) project by partnering with Healthy Generations and visiting Senior Cafes to assess community needs. This initiative focused on boosting attendance through tailored activities, expanding health services to include screenings and preventive care, offering education on stroke awareness, nutrition, and mental wellness, providing estate planning guidance, and improving technology literacy for better digital access. COPE is now working with community partners to enhance these services and address gaps.
  • February also saw successful health-focused events at The Table, where COPE partnered with Lloyd Moss Clinic, RAHD, and Encompass Health to provide oral and heart health resources. Over 320 attendees participated, receiving educational materials on congenital heart diseases and preventive care, while Lloyd Moss Clinic offered essential screenings. To support healthy eating, COPE also distributed to-go boxes for safe food storage. These efforts reflect COPE’s commitment to promoting health, wellness, and community engagement in PD16.
  • March 4th- Stafford HS Biomedical Scenarios. In collaboration with RAHD, RACSB, and Stafford SO, REMS hosted hands-on EMS skill development sessions for 35 Stafford High School students. The training covered essential emergency response topics, including wound care and Stop the Bleed, safe driving, Naloxone administration, the Anatomage Table, and Stroke Smart education led by the local MRC. These events are vital in building a stronger regional workforce and preparing the community to respond effectively in emergencies, ensuring they can provide aid until professional help arrives.
  • March 6th- REMS Council supported Culpeper County Volunteer Rescue Squad's Safety Seat Check Station. New to the event is a Sign Up program ensuring focused reserved times from the technicians.

Upcoming Events

  • March 10th Pharmacy Work Group meeting
  • March 19th-20th REMS will be participating in the The Spotsylvania CPS Career Fair
  • March 11th- Statewide Tornado Drill
  • March 13th - Rappahannock County Safety Seat Check Station at Flint Hill 11-1
  • March 20th - Lake of the Woods Volunteer Rescue Squad Safety Seat Check Station 9-12
  • March 25th - Regional Stroke Smart meeting. Zoom link here.
  • April 1-3, 2025 Support That Saves training provided by VDEM
  • April 5th - BLS Provider at REMS 9-1
  • April 9th - REMS will support Stafford County Schools in their Healthcare Occupation Expo
  • April 16th - Heart and Stroke WG meeting 3:30 PM - Zoom link here.
  • April 22nd - Regional Stroke Smart meeting. Zoom link here.
  • April 24th - Medical Review Committee meeting 1:00 PM Zoom link here.

News You Can Use

Colonial Forge High School is hosting Health Career Week, 4/22-4/25, inviting local healthcare providers to speak with students about careers in the medical field. Providers can sign up for in-person or virtual sessions, with a schedule and speaker outline available. This is a great opportunity to inspire future healthcare professionals—please reach out with any questions or to get involved!

Health Career Speaker Outline

Health Career Speaker Schedule-Click to view the schedule. The document is editable, you can add your name to the day and time you choose.

Virtual EMS Training Opportunities: Online CE training & Vector Solutions

The REMS Council Board of Directors consists of representation from volunteer and career agencies in our planning districts and localities, as well as at large membership. More information on the makeup and backgrounds of REMS Council Staff and BOD may be found here.

The REMS Council Regional Training and Simulation schedule is filling up for 2025. If you would like to use the training center or equipment, please submit the request through our website.

On January 21stREMS staff met with students, faculty, and administrators at the Phoenix Center for Innovative Learning to prepare for a school-wide implementation of Stroke Smart education, which was successfully delivered on January 25th. This student-led, inquiry-based learning initiative originated from an earlier field trip to REMS, where students engaged in experiential learning and took on the role of peer educators by advocating for the integration of Stroke Smart curriculum into their school community. By applying project-based learning and leadership development, these students not only built their own health literacy and public speaking skills but also empowered their peers with critical emergency response knowledge. Their initiative was so impactful that REMSC is now collaborating with school leadership to pilot a county-wide expansion, leveraging peer instruction and student-driven advocacy to enhance health education, community preparedness, and real-world application of STEM principles across the district.

Recently at the Council

January 13- 17th - Two Stafford students participated in the REMS Externship Program, gaining hands-on experience and a unique look behind the scenes at EMS operations. Their week began with orientation and onboarding, where they explored the inner workings of REMS and took part in a team meeting to see how decisions and planning come together. Throughout the week, they shadowed the COPE Coordinator and CDC Public Health Advisor, assisted at a car seat event, and completed Stroke Smart training. They also practiced their CPR skills and had the chance to visit Fredericksburg 911, Spotsylvania County Fire and Rescue Station 6, and AirCare 2, rounding out the experience.

CISM Workgroup met on January 13th. Concerted group provided a presentation about their new facilities.

MRC Volunteers supported REMS with the student files digitizing project Jan 14, 21 and 22.

Incident and Threat Mitigation Committee met on January 16th but did not meet quorum.

The Heart and Stroke Workgroup met on January 15th but did not meet quorum. Those in attendance requested exploring an asynchronous work platform for members to work on projects.

REMS Submitted a grant proposal to the Community Foundation's Youth in Philanthropy program. Last year REMS selected high school students from Stafford, Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania, and King George to participate in the Youth in Emergency Preparedness program. REMS proposed a continuation of the program with the addition of a Youth Advisory Board to be composed of last year's cadre.

REMS Council staff presented Stroke Smart material for our community partner Brain Injury Services to their interested clients and staff on January 22nd. The attendees also became Stroke Smart Champions and pledged to teach others the material.

REMS Council CPST conducted an onsite scheduled Safety Seat Check on January 22nd for an expectant mother who was unable to access the Lake of the Woods site when it was offered.

The Medical Review Committee met on January 23rd and received reports from Heart and Stroke, PI, Pharmacy, and Protocol WGs. There are no action items for the next BOD meeting. The MRC and WGs are exploring asynchronous work platforms.

January 23rd - 40 Biomedical students from NSHS visited the REMS Training Center for scenario-based skills practice, Naloxone training, and an opportunity to engage with first responders representing local, regional, and federal agencies serving our region. This event was a great success, thanks to the collaboration of partners like RCSB, RHD, FBI, and Stafford PD, whose support and participation made it possible.

January 28th - Guidelines and Training met. A report about ALS, whole blood program, REMS classes and the cultural diversity group was provided by the committee members. In case any agency would need assistance developing the required Alzheimer's disease and dementia training outline in §32.1-111.5:2, the following tools are resources:

  • CAPCE Dementia: Overview, Assessment, and Care ( 655139) that is offered by Vector solutions. This training includes Alzheimer disease and can be accessed by following the link
  • National resources: Alzheimer's Association Richmond Alzheimer's Association Training

January 29th - REMS attended  DCJS Responder Wellness Stakeholder MeetingThe Second Annual First Responders Wellness Conference will be held September 10-12, 2025 in Norfolk, VA. First Responders Wellness Week Webinars will be held March 24-28, 2025 and will provide an excellent opportunity for virtual learning.

January 30th - REMS Staff joined VDH and MRC coordinators to plan a Stroke Smart Training to be held on February 25th. This initiative began after REMS conducted Stroke Smart training for local MRC volunteers, prompting a request for statewide expansion. The session will feature Alan Stillman, founder of Stroke Smart training, Margaret Probst, Stroke Smart Champion Trainer, and REMSC staff, who will highlight regional successes, including Stroke Smart Fredericksburg, peer-led training in Stafford schools, and expanding Stroke Smart businesses and medical practices. The training will be recorded and promoted at the upcoming National MRC Leadership Conference in Texas, further advancing Virginia’s commitment to stroke awareness and emergency response education.

January 31st - REMS instructed 29 new K-12 educators at the University of Mary Washington in CPR, First Aid, and the Stroke Smart curriculum as part of their credentialing requirements. Along with hands-on training, new teachers were provided curriculum materials so they can bring Stroke Smart education to their schools and students, helping to spread life-saving knowledge in the classroom and into the community.

REMS has submitted a Road to Zero grant proposal for Strong Shift, a groundbreaking initiative aimed at addressing fatigue and chronic stress among EMS personnel, including EMTs, paramedics, and 911 telecommunicators. This program will provide science-backed tools to improve focus, energy, and decision-making in high-pressure environments, benefiting over 3,650 EMS and 911 telecommunicators across the region. With a phased rollout, the initiative includes small group coaching, workshops, and digital resources to ensure broad participation and lasting impact. By reducing fatigue-related errors, enhancing wellness, and improving emergency response—especially in rural and high-traffic areas along the I-95 corridor—this initiative aligns with the Road to Zero mission to eliminate roadway fatalities and build a stronger, more resilient EMS workforce.

February 3rd- 7th- EMR Training took place at the REMS Training Center. Staff provided logistical and technical support.

February 4th - REMS Staff attended the NASEMSO Blood Product Administration Best Practices webinar. Please find the last updated Guidance Document by following the link.

February 5th - Students from multiple counties participated. The event, "Oh the Placed You'll Go" organized by PD16 High Schools systems to provide an opportunity to students to explore career paths. REMS set up a CPR and Stop The Bleed skills both and provided information about volunteer and career EMS opportunities for High Schoolers in our region.

REMS Council supported Culpeper County Volunteer Rescue Squad Safety Seat Check Site on February 6th.

February 6th- PHI Air Medical conducted their Sim Training dry-run training at the REMS Training Center. Staff provided logistical support.

February 10th- REMS attended Pharmacy Meeting. Updates included on the site. Coming updates would be posted at the same website with updated webinar by the end of 02.2025.

February 14th - REMS held the Second Annual Anatomage Tournament at Colonial Forge. 42 teams including those from out of state registered to attend the competition. Workshops were provided by our community partners including the Red Cross, Stafford County Sheriff's Office, Hope Emergency Vet Clinic, MWHC and YOVASO. The tournament was large enough that we were able to have six teams from the competition qualify to compete in the National Anatomage Tournament to be held in Vegas. The Champions, McDreamy Teamy and second place Nerve Network traveled from Boyd J Michael II Technical High School in Hagerstown, Maryland. Third place went to Mortal Physique from North Stafford High School, fourth was Nervous Ninjas from Colonial Forge High School, fifth place went to Stafford High School's BioHackers and rounding out the teams advancing to finals were the Bone Heads, coming from North Stafford High School. A slideshow with highlights can be found here. REMS would also like to recognize and thank Kevin Dillard, Christopher Lindsay, and Dr. Maria Beermann-Foat for spending time at the tournament, meeting our community partners, and encouraging our future workforce.

February 17 - REMS Presented Stroke Smart material to Lake of Woods AARP - approximately 40 community members became Stroke Smart Champions and pledged to teach others this lifesaving information.

Upcoming Events

  • February 25th - REMS Regional Stroke Smart task force - Zoom link here
  • February 25th - VDH MRC joint training with REMS Council
  • February 26th - Mountain View High School students will tour REMS Council and attend a career roundtable with representatives from the FBI, Red Cross, CDC, EMS, and RAHD.
  • February 28th - 1300 - Protocol WG MeetingZoom link here.

News You Can Use

The Spring RSAF Grant Cycle is Open! Deadline for applications is March 17th at 5:00 PM. We encourage agencies to reach out to REMS for a pre-submittal review and feedback. For more information on the RSAF Grant, please click here.

The 2024 Regional Stroke Plan was recently updated and approved by the BOD during its last meeting. Highlights are the Decision Scheme and Designated Stroke Center pages were updated to reflect Stafford Hospital's recent designation of Acute Stroke Ready Hospital.

Virtual EMS Training Opportunities: Online CE training & Vector Solutions

The REMS Council Board of Directors consists of representation from volunteer and career agencies in our planning districts and localities, as well as at large membership. More information on the makeup and backgrounds of REMS Council Staff and BOD may be found here.

The REMS Council Regional Training and Simulation schedule is filling up for 2025. If you would like to use the training center or equipment, please submit the request through our website.

COPE hosted a holiday event at @thetableatstg alongside our partners St. George, @mossfreeclinic , and @rappareahealth , as well as Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus. We gave away 100 children’s gifts and goodie bags, 300+ articles of clothing, and other items like blankets, shoes, bags, and hats. We can’t wait to do this all again next year! But before then, join us for COPE’s next attendance at The Table on January 21st.

Recently at the Council

The REMS Council hosted Jobs for Virginia Graduates (JVG/JAG-VA) students for a work-based learning session. The event included training and hands on scenarios with allergic emergencies, trauma, stroke, trauma and a mini Anatomage Tournament.

REMS leadership and providers participated in a guided tour of the Concerted Care Group gaining insights into their services and operations.

The ReEmployAbility volunteer team achieved 90% completion of the admin digitizing project, processing approximately 22 boxes of records dating back to 1976. Volunteers had received training on administrative filing classification and retention requirements and were responsible for sorting, organizing, and uploading the files. The volunteer program coordinator and regional director oversaw the process and addressed questions, with the coordinator conducting a final physical and digital check before the physical files were stored and shredded.

MRC, ReEmployAbility, and community volunteers were presented with a thank you package from the REMS council recognizing the valuable support they are providing to the organization.

Interviews for the R.E.A.D.Y SET Go program candidates were scheduled and conducted.

REMS staff began Child Passenger Safety Technician-Instructor (CPST-I) certification training provided by NHTSA, DMV and Virginia Safe Kids. The Commonwealth is at a critical low of Child Passenger Safety Technicians and Instructors (less than 50 instructors total). This cooperative work will allow REMS to participate not only in local SSCS but assist VDH and Virginia DMV in their priority goal of ramping up CPST numbers throughout the Commonwealth.

REMS Supported LOWVRS Safety Seat Check Site.

REMS Council conducted a HeartSaver CPR AED/First Aid course on December 21 for community members.

The January 6th Protocol Workgroup meeting was rescheduled ot January 31st due to the winter storm closing.

REMS Council applied for a Community Grant with Express Lanes. If awarded, the program will provide critical life-saving training, including CPR, Stroke Smart training, Stop the Bleed, and car seat safety briefings, specifically tailored for Spanish-speaking residents in our community. The initiative will remove financial and language barriers, making these essential skills accessible to underserved populations.

REMS Council completed the application for EMS Council Designation for the next three years.

Upcoming Events

  • January 13th-17th Externship Spotsylvania and Stafford Students.
  • January 13th- 1900 CISM WorkgroupZoom link here
  • January 15th - 1530 Heart and Stroke Workgroup Zoom link here.
  • January 16th- 1430 Strategic Planning CommitteeZoom link here.
  • January 16th- 1300 Incident and Threat Mitigation Committee Zoom link here
  • January 22nd - Prehospital Pediatric Education series launch for 2025.
  • January 23rd - 1300 Medical Review Committee - Zoom link here.
  • January 23rd- Biomedical Students from NSHS scenarios visit 0900-1300
  • January 23rd - Deadline to Register for the Regional Anatomage Tournament
  • January 28th - Regional Stroke Smart meeting 1300 - Zoom link here.
  • January 28th- Guidelines & Training meeting 1600 - Zoom link here
  • January 30th- REMS attending DCJS Responder Wellness Stakeholder Meeting
  • January 31st - REMS will partner with UMW to bring CPR/Stroke Smart and other training to new K-12 graduate teachers in the regional school system.
  • January 31st - rescheduled Protocol Workgroup Zoom link here.
  • February 1st - RSAF Spring Grant Cycle opens
  • February 14th - The Second Annual Regional Anatomage Tournament will be held at Colonial Forge High School. The wining team will be invited to the 2025 National Anatomage Tournament to be held in Los Vegas.
  • February 26th - Mountain View High School students will tour REMS Council and attend a career roundtable with representatives from the FBI, Red Cross, CDC, EMS, and RAHD.

News You Can Use

The RSAF Spring Grant cycle opens February 1st and closes March 17, 2025. For more information, contact the Council or Michael Berg at [email protected]

The 2024 Regional Stroke Plan was recently updated and approved by the BOD during its last meeting. Highlights are the Decision Scheme and Designated Stroke Center pages were updated to reflect Stafford Hospital's recent designation of Acute Stroke Ready Hospital.

The REMS Council Board of Directors consists of representation from volunteer and career agencies in our planning districts and localities, as well as at large membership. More information on the makeup and backgrounds of REMS Council Staff and BOD may be found here.

The REMS Council Regional Training and Simulation schedule is filling up for 2025. If you would like to use the training center or equipment, please submit the request through our website.

Virtual EMS Training Opportunities: Online CE training & Vector Solutions

Prehospital Pediatric Education Series begins on January 22nd. Earn 1 hour EMS continuing education credits for Maryland, DC, and Virginia for each session. Please email [email protected] for the series link!

Photo Courtesy of Jayson Woods, Communications Specialist and PIO County of Orange, VA

New and Noteworthy

REMS Council is pleased to announce that COPE has been awarded the The Fredericksburg Savings Charitable Foundation Fund which is used to support not-for-profit programs and projects including community development, housing assistance, scholarships, local education, medical facilities, community groups, cultural organizations and other similar types of organizations and civic-minded projects that contribute to the quality of life in the Counties of Caroline, King George, Spotsylvania and Stafford and the City of Fredericksburg. The scope of COPE's award is to implement a comprehensive program aimed at advancing health equity for aging adults in PD 16. Our program will tackle the most pressing challenges faced by this demographic by focusing on social isolation, food insecurity, health and wellness, mental health, and emergency preparedness.

Leveraging our extensive network of community partnerships, COPE will implement evidence-based interventions to improve health outcomes and overall quality of life for at-risk seniors, particularly those who are homebound or socially isolated.

Concerted Care Group now open in Fredericksburg and offers integrated behavioral health services tailored to meet the needs of individuals in Fredericksburg and surrounding areas. The facility provides Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) for substance use disorders, including methadone, Suboxone, and Vivitrol, combined with counseling and therapy to support recovery. Additional services include intensive outpatient programs (IOP), substance use counseling, peer recovery support, and psychiatric rehabilitation programs to help clients achieve independence and improve quality of life. REMS has scheduled a tour of the new facility on December 11th from 1000-1100. Woodlawn Shopping Center, Suite 107 282 Deacon Road Fredericksburg, VA 22405

This week at the Council

REMS Council held a BLS for Healthcare Providers course on November 25, providing training for community members, including a future EMT. During the session, a REMS AHA Instructor successfully completed monitoring requirements.

November 26th the Regional Stroke Smart meeting was held. The next meeting will be January 28th (see events for log-in details).

November 26th and December 3rd MRC volunteers worked on student’s files digitizing project.

REMS Council supported Fredericksburg Rescue Squad with equipment loans for ALS training.

December 2nd- December 6th REMS provided the training location and logistical support for a local agency's training.

REMS Council's Public Health Advisor attended the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Public Health Associate Program Orientation in Atlanta, GA from November 18 to 22.

Upcoming Events

  • December 1st - ePCR System grant opens (close date January 3, 2025).
  • December 10th - REMS Council will host Jobs for Virginia Graduates (JVG/JAG-VA) work-based learning students to focus on communication and collaboration (C5W) and the professional competencies of information literacy, information technology and job-specific tools and technology, as defined and outlined in the 21st Century Workplace Readiness Skills of the Commonwealth
  • December 11th - Concerted Care Group tour for REMS leadership and providers 1000-1100
  • December 14th - 16th REMS staff will begin CPST-I certification training
  • December 19th - LOWVRS Safety Seat Check Site 9-12
  • December 21th - HeartSaver CPR AED/First Aid at REMS Council 0800-1600 Register here.
  • December 24th - December 25th REMS Office is CLOSED for the Christmas holiday
  • January 1st - REMS Office is CLOSED for the New Year holiday
  • January 6th - 1700 Protocol Workgroup - Zoom link here.
  • January 9th- 1500 Performance Improvement CommitteeZoom link here.
  • January 13th-17th Externship Spotsylvania and Stafford County High School Students.
  • January 13th- 1900 CISM WorkgroupZoom link here
  • January 15th - 1530 Heart and Stroke Workgroup Zoom link here.
  • January 16th- 1430 Strategic Planning CommitteeZoom link here.
  • January 16th- 1300 Incident and Threat Mitigation Committee Zoom link here
  • January 23rd - 1300 Medical Review Committee - Zoom link here.
  • January 23rd- Biomedical Students from NSHS scenarios visit 0900-1300
  • January 28th - Regional Stroke Smart meeting 1300 - Zoom link here.
  • January 28th- Guidelines & Training Committee meeting 1600 - Zoom link here
  • January 30th- REMS attending DCJS Responder Wellness Stakeholder Meeting
  • January 31st - REMS will partner with UMW to bring CPR/Stroke Smart and other training to new K-12 graduate teachers in the regional school system.

News You Can Use

The 2024 Regional Stroke Plan was recently updated and approved by the BOD during its last meeting. Highlights are the Decision Scheme and Designated Stroke Center pages were updated to reflect Stafford Hospital's recent designation of Acute Stroke Ready Hospital.

Virtual EMS Training Opportunities: Online CE training & Vector Solutions

The REMS Council Board of Directors consists of representation from volunteer and career agencies in our planning districts and localities, as well as at large membership. More information on the makeup and backgrounds of REMS Council Staff and BOD may be found here.

The REMS Council Regional Training and Simulation schedule is filling up for 2024 and early into 2025. If you would like to use the training center or equipment, please submit the request through our website.

The EMS Council is excited to announce the addition of Ms. Grace Yang, a Public Health Advisor, to our team. Over the next two years, Ms. Yang will collaborate with us to enhance population health strategies. Her focus will include evaluating our current outreach efforts, providing recommendations, and developing a comprehensive health literacy program. Additionally, she will analyze errors and EMS provider fatigue, aiming to improve overall safety and performance within our system.

New and Noteworthy

REMS, alongside local EMS and law enforcement agencies, is hosting a delegation of German paramedics from the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squad’s exchange program. The visiting paramedics will tour multiple key sites in Fredericksburg, Orange County, and Spotsylvania. Highlights of the visit include a Q&A and hands-on training with the REMS Council, an extrication demo with Lake of the Woods Fire, a heavy duty crash extrication demo with Fredericksburg Fire and Spotsylvania FREM, a ride-along with Orange County EMS and PHI AirCare, and specialized training with Spotsylvania Sheriff’s K-9 unit. The week will conclude with a cultural trip to Washington, D.C., where the German team will tour historic monuments and visit the Nation's Capital. You can follow them on instagram using the QR below or check out

This month at the Council

November 1 REMS partnered with Rapp at Home and submitted a Wi-Fly Digital Inclusion Grant for aging residents of Rappahannock County. If awarded, this grant will provide 25 seniors in Rappahannock County with WiFi access and a laptop. Each participant will receive personalized computer training to improve digital skills, support for accessing telemedicine services, and training in emergency preparedness.

The Protocol Workgroup met on November 4th and sent updated Racemic Epi dosing protocol to the MRC for approval.

REMS Council met with the Director of Rappahannock Work and Learn Collaborative Career and Workforce Division-Collaborative initiative to support the VTOP and MWU internship program.

Stafford County Fire and Rescue Department utilized REMS Council Regional Training and Simulation Center to conduct airway training.

Staff conducted an interview, orientation and onboarding for a ReEmPloyAbility volunteer who is assigned to the front desk position.

REMS Council hosted HOSA students from Stafford County's Colonial Forge High School who were preparing for the Anatomage TournamentTeam registrations are open - click the link to register your team or for more information on the February 14, 2025 event.

The REMS Council Regional Training and Simulation Center hosted a radiological medical training class November 12-15.

REMS Council supported CCVRS, Chester Gap Volunteer Fire and Rescue, and Lake of the Woods Safety Seat Check Sites. REMS Council also completed the Annual VDH Site Visit with Sarah Wilson MSW, CVA, CPSTTransportation Safety Supervisor, Office of Family Health Services. Site visits are are an opportunity for a Safety Seat Check Station and VDH to connect and review programmatic expectations, needs, and challenges.

REMS Staff attended the State EMS Advisory Board meetings on 11/14 and 11/15.

Upcoming Events

  • November 25th - BLS for Healthcare Providers at REMS Council 1700-2100 Register here.
  • November 26th - Regional Stroke Smart meeting 1300 - Zoom link here.
  • December 10th - REMS Council will host Jobs for Virginia Graduates (JVG/JAG-VA) work-based learning students to focus on communication and collaboration (C5W) and the professional competencies of information literacy, information technology and job-specific tools and technology, as defined and outlined in the 21st Century Workplace Readiness Skills of the Commonwealth
  • December 21th - HeartSaver CPR AED/First Aid at REMS Council 0800-1600 Register here.

News You Can Use

There is a special initiative grant to cover 1 year of start up costs for ePCR systems. It is open to ALL not for profit agencies. You MAY "bundle" with other agencies in order to get better/bulk pricing with vendors.

You will submit this grant the same way that you submit RSAF grants. Please note deadlines - Applications will open December 1, 2024, and will close 5:00 p.m. EST on Friday January 3, 2025. The award date will be Monday March 31, 2025.

FOR MORE INFORMATION, please contact Michael D. Berg, EMS Systems Funding or call REMS Council.

Details on the Enhancements to the Controlled Substance Ordering System (effective December 9th) can be found on the REMS Website.

Virtual EMS Training Opportunities: Online CE training & Vector Solutions

The REMS Council Board of Directors consists of representation from volunteer and career agencies in our planning districts and localities, as well as at large membership. More information on the makeup and backgrounds of REMS Council Staff and BOD may be found here.

The REMS Council Regional Training and Simulation schedule is filling up for 2024 and early into 2025. If you would like to use the training center or equipment, please submit the request through our website.

New and Noteworthy:

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as well as state veterinary and public health officials, are investigating an illness among primarily older dairy cows in Texas, Kansas, and New Mexico that is causing decreased lactation, low appetite, and other symptoms.

As of Monday, March 25, unpasteurized, clinical samples of milk from sick cattle collected from two dairy farms in Kansas and one in Texas, as well as an oropharyngeal swab from another dairy in Texas, have tested positive for highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI). Additional testing was initiated on Friday, March 22, and over the weekend because farms have also reported finding deceased wild birds on their properties. Based on findings from Texas, the detections appear to have been introduced by wild birds. Initial testing by the National Veterinary Services Laboratories has not found changes to the virus that would make it more transmissible to humans, which would indicate that the current risk to the public remains low.

A person in the United States has tested positive for highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A(H5N1) virus (“H5N1 bird flu”), as reported by Texas and confirmed by CDC. This person had exposure to dairy cattle in Texas and was presumed to be infected with HPAI A(H5N1) viruses. The patient reported eye redness (consistent with conjunctivitis), as their only symptom, and is recovering. The patient was told to isolate and is being treated with an antiviral drug for flu. This infection does not change the H5N1 bird flu human health risk assessment for the U.S. general public, which CDC considers to be low.

In the past few weeks, the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) has received an increasing number of reports of sick or dead birds in the eastern part of the state with the first report provided by a licensed wildlife rehabilitator in early March. Preliminary testing indicates that the likely cause is H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI). Confirmatory testing at the National Veterinary Services Laboratory is still pending.

Past week at the Council:

Staff attended The Hype and the Hope: Exploring Artificial Intelligence in EMS, a panel discussion exploring the impact of artificial intelligence in emergency medical services. Panelists explored AI’s application in their areas of specialization: dispatch and communications, ePCR and RMS software, EMS education, and revenue cycle management.  Application to FY25 milestones were noted in the insights and takeaways on the emerging applications of AI in EMS.

REMS Council supported another week-long EMR training program for an outside agency.  The training included the use of the REMS Regional Training and Simulation Center, REMS equipment and interactive immersive room.

REMS Council supported a Safety Seat Check Site in Rappahannock County at Chester Gap (Co 9) from 1100-1300. The next site in Rappahannock County will be May 9th at Washington, Company 1.

REMS staff coordinated and finalized the upcoming IBSC Approved Critical Care Review class April 15-18 and met with all assistant instructors.

REMS hosted the quarterly CISM team meeting.

Staff attended the Regional Medication Kit Transition WG meeting on April 8, and REMS Pharmacy WG meeting on April 11.  The WGs reviewing updates from several sources related to the upcoming changes in November. 

Staff attended the Virginia Board of Health meeting in Richmond.  There was an extensive agenda, but please review for any relevant information for your needs.

An additional five BLS Instructor candidates were tested for skills before the instructor class to be held on May 16th.

Staff attended the 2024 Virginia Datathon VIRTUAL kickoff event. The event is produced by the Virginia Office of Data Governance and Analytics and leverages the Virginia Open Data Portal powered by new technology.  Teams have a week to develop an innovative solution and presentation related to recruiting and retention. On April 19, teams will meet at the Richmond ACCA Shriners Center where a panel of judges will review the team presentations and awards will be announced to the first, second, and third place. Twenty teams are participating. 

Staff also attended the NEMSIS v3 implementation Call on 4/10, and the weekly VDH virtual forum.

News You Can Use:

After nearly 10 years of service to OEMS, Bryan Hodges will be leaving to pursue a new and exciting opportunity. He will join a national company, where he will be working to ensure that agencies meet all state and national reporting requirements. Bryan’s last day at OEMS will be Friday, April 26.  Any questions that you would normally direct to Bryan can be sent to [email protected] for the time being

VDH is continuing to distribute drug test strips for fentanyl, xylazine, and benzodiazepines

Upcoming Events

April 18 – Safety Seat Check Site – Orange County – Lake of the Woods VFR – 0900-1200

April 15-18 – REMS IBSC Critical Care Review Class 0800-1700

April 16 - the Medical Response and Surge Exercise (MRSE) will be held for all hospitals in the NVERS region. Limited play will also extend to public health and emergency management partners.

April 17 – Heart and Stroke WG meeting

April 17 – monthly MIH-CP stakeholder meeting @ 1400 hours.  April's topic is ​Health Inequities.  March was ​Digital Health.  February was Affordable Housing.  January was Maternal and Infant Health

April 18 – ITM Committee meeting

April 23 – 0900-1400 All Hands Committee Meetings – Flagship Committees, including Medical Review, Incident and Threat Mitigation, Guidelines and Training,  Executive, and Strategic Planning and the various workgroups, will meet to create FY2025 Strategic milestones.

April 29 – Inova Health and NVEMS Council EMS Symposium - 0730-1715

May 2 – Safety Seat Check Site – Culpeper County – CVR 1000-1300

May 2-3  – State Committee Meetings andEMS Advisory Board meeting

May 9 – Safety Seat Check Site – Rappahannock County – Washington – (Co 1) 1100-1300

May 14 - EMS Safety Course

May 16 - AHA BLS Instructor

May 14-19 – Tidewater EMS Expo

May 23 – Safety Seat Check Site – Orange County – Lake of the Woods FR – 0900-1200

June 4 – REMS Regional EMS Awards -  nominate with our quick form

June 6 – Safety Seat Check Site – Culpeper County – CVR 1000-1300

June 7-16 - VAVRS 2024 Rescue College

June 13 – Safety Seat Check Site – Rappahannock County – Sperryville Fire (Co 2) – 1100-1300

June 20 – NAEMT GEMS Course

June 20 – Safety Seat Check Site – Orange County – Lake of the Woods FR – 0900-1200

June 24-25 AHA PALS Provider Course

September 18-22 First Responder Virginia 5 Conference / Expo

Virtual EMS Training Opportunities: Online CE training & Vector Solutions.  Find in-person EMS training in your region. Search by region, county, level and/or course title

Nominations are now open for our Regional EMS Awards.  You may use the REMS quick form to get started.  New this year: staff assistance in award narratives/photos if needed AND two new Regional categories for Lifetime Achievement and Outstanding EMS Call.

The REMS Council Board of Directors consists of representation from volunteer and career agencies in our planning districts and localities, as well as at large membership.  More information on the makeup and backgrounds of REMS Council Staff and BOD may be found here.

The REMS Council Regional Training and Simulation schedule is filling up for 2024.  If you would like to use the training center or some equipment, please submit the request through our website sooner rather than later.

New and Noteworthy:

The Board of Pharmacy, at their March 28th meeting, agreed to change the Regulations Committee meeting on May 2 into a full Board meeting.  If the proposed emergency regulations for EMS medication handling can be ironed out, there is the potential that this will be moved along to the next process on May 2.  We continue to await the release of the final DEA regulatory language.

Past two weeks at the Council:

Fifteen teachers from Fredericksburg City Schools including elementary, middle, and high school received Train the Trainer instruction in presenting Stroke Smart material to their classes in on April 2nd.  Additionally, Stroke Smart Spanish magnets and English magnets for every student in the school system were provided.

Staff continues to work on a video that will help clarify how EMS interactions with patients and families from different cultural and religious backgrounds on various topics such as death or a medical emergency can be optimized.

The Youth in Emergency Preparedness group met and were trained in Heartsaver CPR/AED.  This completes a robust series of training in Emergency Preparedness, special populations, Stop the Bleed, REVIVE!, and ACES.

REMS has taken the proactive step of applying to become a registered partner with Buckle Up For Life, a nationally recognized safety program launched in collaboration with Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center in 2004. This registration marks the first step towards potential grant applications in the future.

The AV vendors spent an entire week at the REMS Council working to finalize the AV equipment for the Regional Training and Simulation Center.  We're excited to offer improved features and capabilities to students and instructors moving forward.

REMS Supported Culpeper County Volunteer Rescue Squad in hosting their first Safety Seat Check Site.  CCVRS will host sites on the first Thursday of the month from 10:00 – 13:00. 

Staff attended the Regional PI and Educator Forum monthly meetings on 3/25 and 3/26 and the NEMSIS v3 Implementation meeting and group meeting for the NAEMSP Quality Improvement and Safety program on 3/27.

REMS instructor staff conducted pre-requisite testing for four candidates for AHA BLS Instructor class scheduled for May.

REMS Council supported a week-long EMR training program for an outside agency.  The training included the use of the REMS Regional Training and Simulation Center, REMS equipment and interactive immersive room.

Staff attended several meetings including a VDH Training and Development PLC Monthly Meeting on YouTube applicability as a tool in Training, Marketing, Education, as a Repository.  Topics discussed during the weekly VDH agency forum were a Title V/Maternal and Child Health stakeholder survey and the Virginia Permit Transparency Project.  Staff also attended the Tableau study group on April 3 and participated in the Stroke Smart Community WG (part of VSSTF) and shared updates in the REMS Region.

REMS was able to bring together the VDH OEMS Epidemiology team and a representative from the GMU Duty Fit program to discuss potential collaborations aimed at identifying and addressing the health and wellness needs of first responders.  Another meeting followed adding in DCJS representatives into the discussion evaluate opportunities for collaboration.

During Public Health Week, COPE took center stage in promoting "Self-Love and Mental Health" at The Table during a biweekly health and wellness event. Collaborating with community partners like the YMCA and the Lloyd Moss Clinic, COPE delivered a successful event providing valuable resources and emphasizing the importance of self-care. The Lloyd Moss Clinic offered essential glucose and blood pressure tests, while the YMCA provided participants with free visits to their facilities.

The Mission of the Virginia Department of Health is to protect the health and promote the well-being of all people in Virginia. The agency's vision statement is “Become the healthiest state in the nation.”  Public Health Week was April 1- April 7, and the REMS Council would like to thank all of the EMS providers and agencies for their role in prevention, education, and improving population health.  The 2024 Public Health Week had seven themes, which were recognized over five days.

During the University of Mary Washington Health and Wellness Fair, COPE engaged over 110 students in learning about stroke awareness. Through interactive sessions and informative discussions, students not only learned to recognize stroke signs but also became Stroke Smart Champions. Participants were incentivized with prizes, making the learning experience enjoyable and impactful.

The Protocol WG meeting was held on April 2.  The WG welcomed one new member in addition to reviewing several draft protocols which will continue through the development process.

News You Can Use:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a Health Alert Network (HAN) Health Advisory to alert healthcare providers to an increase in invasive meningococcal disease, mainly attributable to Neisseria meningitidis serogroup Y.  In 2023, 422 cases were reported in the United States, the highest annual number of cases reported since 2014. As of March 25, 2024, 143 cases have been reported to CDC for the current calendar year, an increase of 62 cases over the 81 reported as of this date in 2023.

The VDH HAI/AR Program's Infection Prevention Educator Roadshow is coming to a town near you this summer.  The Infection Prevention Educator Roadshow offers a free, one-day training session for healthcare workers in all practice settings who educate others on infection prevention, even if it is not their full-time job.  This training is focused on building your skills to educate healthcare workers on infection prevention and will be a hands-on learning and doing day.  We have 8 sessions available now across Virginia in all regions and another with 2 will be added soon.  Register online – seats will fill up!

Upcoming Events

April 10 - Virginia State Board of Health Meeting

April 11 – Pharmacy WG meeting

April 11 – Safety Seat Check Site – Rappahannock County – Chester Gap (Co 9) 1100-1300

April 18 – Safety Seat Check Site – Orange County – Lake of the Woods VFR – 0900-1200

April 15-18 – REMS IBSC Critical Care Review Class 0800-1700

April 16 - the Medical Response and Surge Exercise (MRSE) will be held for all hospitals in the NVERS region. Limited play will also extend to public health and emergency management partners.

April 17 – Heart and Stroke WG meeting

April 17 – monthly MIH-CP stakeholder meeting @ 1400 hours.  April's topic is ​Health Inequities.  March was ​Digital Health.  February was Affordable Housing.  January was Maternal and Infant Health

April 18 – ITM Committee meeting

April 23 – 0900-1400 All Hands Committee Meetings – Flagship Committees, including Medical Review, Incident and Threat Mitigation, Guidelines and Training,  Executive, and Strategic Planning and the various workgroups, will meet to create FY2025 Strategic milestones.

April 29 – Inova Health and NVEMS Council EMS Symposium - 0730-1715

May 2 – Safety Seat Check Site – Culpeper County – CVR 1000-1300

May 2-3  – State Committee Meetings andEMS Advisory Board meeting

May 9 – Safety Seat Check Site – Rappahannock County – Washington – (Co 1) 1100-1300

May 14 - EMS Safety Course

May 16 - AHA BLS Instructor

May 14-19 – Tidewater EMS Expo

May 23 – Safety Seat Check Site – Orange County – Lake of the Woods FR – 0900-1200

June 4 – REMS Regional EMS Awards -  nominate with our quick form

June 6 – Safety Seat Check Site – Culpeper County – CVR 1000-1300

June 7-16 - VAVRS 2024 Rescue College

June 13 – Safety Seat Check Site – Rappahannock County – Sperryville Fire (Co 2) – 1100-1300

June 20 – NAEMT GEMS Course

June 20 – Safety Seat Check Site – Orange County – Lake of the Woods FR – 0900-1200

June 24-25 AHA PALS Provider Course

September 18-22 First Responder Virginia 5 Conference / Expo

Virtual EMS Training Opportunities: Online CE training & Vector Solutions.  Find in-person EMS training in your region. Search by region, county, level and/or course title

Nominations are now open for our Regional EMS Awards.  You may use the REMS quick form to get started.  New this year: staff assistance in award narratives/photos if needed AND two new Regional categories for Lifetime Achievement and Outstanding EMS Call.

The REMS Council Board of Directors consists of representation from volunteer and career agencies in our planning districts and localities, as well as at large membership.  More information on the makeup and backgrounds of REMS Council Staff and BOD may be found here.

The REMS Council Regional Training and Simulation schedule is filling up for 2024.  If you would like to use the training center or some equipment, please submit the request through our website sooner rather than later.

New and Noteworthy:

The Youth in Emergency Preparedness Program's high school participants underwent Stop the Bleed training administered by Stafford's CERT members, who also provided insights into the team's roles in the community. Additionally, the students engaged in a Zoom session with Catholic Charities staff to ask questions and receive insights on the needs and concerns of immigrants from Afghanistan and Ukraine.  The area's immigrant population is one of the targeted groups that the students have selected for their emergency preparedness training and kit distribution.

There was a recent meeting of the Medication Kit Exchange workgroup.  At that meeting, it was announced that the Virginia Society of Health-System Pharmacists would not support EMS performing one-for-one medication exchange after the final integration of the FDA DSCSA.  It is likely that hospitals will NOT be able to accommodate one-for-one after November 2024, so agencies are encouraged to look beyond that intermediate step.  The REMS Council is available for assistance and offers technical resources to help agencies understand the new requirements. 

This week at the Council:

Thirty-one HOSA Students from King George High School participated in a site tour of the REMS Council training center in support of a work-based learning opportunity focused on communication and collaboration (C5W) and the professional competencies of efficiency and productivity and job-specific tools and technology, as defined and outlined in the 21st Century Workplace Readiness Skills of the Commonwealth.  Students participated in immersive trauma, allergic reaction scenarios/simulations, and a mini Anatomage tournament.

REMS Council has partnered with and become a member of VIRGINIA PARTNERS FOR SAFE DRIVING.  We are pleased to join them in their mission to raise awareness about the importance of safe driving, including distraction-free driving; sharing the road; fleet safety; vulnerable road users; and sober driving through various strategies to prevent crashes and injuries on Virginia roadways.  This mission fits hand in glove with the new SSCS initiative in PD 9

This week, the Stroke Smart in Schools workgroup reviewed advancements toward making the Fredericksburg School System more stroke-aware. Kevin introduced Don Upperco to the team, who subsequently engaged Matthew Terry, Director of Student Programming. Margaret Probst from NVEMS is scheduled to provide stroke awareness training for PE teachers and administrative staff on April 2nd.

REMS moderated another monthly stakeholder meeting related to community health and MIH.  The March topic for the panel was digital health.

On March 19, COPE made significant contributions to two community events aimed at supporting the Fredericksburg Region. The first event was the Community Connections Expo organized by FAHASS, where over 200 visitors were welcomed in the first hour. The Expo provided attendees with access to essential resources and programs, including food pantry, health screenings, haircuts, clothing, and toiletries. COPE focused on promoting nutrition, distributing containers to support healthy eating habits and engaging with over 100 visitors.  Simultaneously, at the regular event at The Table, COPE continued its advocacy for nutrition, emphasizing the importance of meal preparation and balanced diets. The COPE team of volunteers provided valuable information and resources to encourage attendees to make positive choices for their health.

Staff attended the Rappahannock Community College paramedic program Citizen's Advisory Committee meeting on March 19.  

Staff from REMS and CSEMS met with ESO on 3/19 to troubleshoot a new technique for sharing reports across regional tenants.  Testing will continue, but early indications suggest this method holds promise in streamlining efforts and reducing redundancy when replicating reports across regions for analyzing identical datasets.

REMS successfully concluded all 10 sessions of the Stafford County Airway Program on March 23rd. More than 100 ALS Providers attended the event and overwhelmingly positive feedback was provided. The new skills acquired in the Airway training are already proving valuable. Within just one week of attending one of the airway classes, a provider encountered a situation where he needed to intubate a challenging airway in an obese patient. He successfully applied the video laryngoscope skills and positioning techniques learned in class, achieving success on his first intubation attempt. The provider attributed his success to the recent training, which provided him with the confidence to handle the difficult airway effectively.

REMS is continuing to coordinate and prepare for the upcoming IBSC Approved Critical Care Review class for April.  There are still a few spots available be sure to sign up soon.

REMS participated in a virtual meeting for the SimTac City Game, where a demonstration of the product was showcased. Emergency Managers from various localities, hospital EMS liaisons, and the Emergency Operations team at OEMS were briefed on the product and its potential applications and benefits for Emergency Management in our region.

REMS staff attended the individualized mentor meeting for the NAEMSP Quality Improvement and Safety program on 3/20, and the VDH Forum where there were presentations from the Piedmont Health District, the Office of Vital Records, and the Tuberculosis program.

The EMS Next Steps WG meeting that was planned for March 22 was cancelled, a new date has not yet been announced for the next meeting.

News You Can Use:

The Centers for Disease Control issued a Health Alert reporting an Increase in Global and Domestic Measles Cases and Outbreaks.

The Federal Highway Administration has announced a notice of proposed rulemaking to update the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) regulations. These regulations address provisions in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), also known as the "Bipartisan Infrastructure Law" (BIL) and reflect current priorities and state-of-practice. The proposed changes would strengthen and advance the safety and equity priorities of the Department of Transportation’s National Roadway Safety Strategy (NRSS) and help states make safety gains to eliminate fatalities and serious injuries on our roadways. Comments must be received on or before April 22, 2024.

The Rural EMS Quality Improvement Basics Course, from Stratis Health, introduces rural EMS providers to the concept of quality improvement (QI). The program, which was initially designed for the staff of healthcare organizations, has been modified to meet the needs of rural EMS by dividing the QI concept into three distinct levels that build upon each other. The Rural EMS Quality Improvement Basics Course links to the relevant portions of the original healthcare program, while also providing content and examples relevant to rural EMS providers.

Upcoming Events

March 28 - Virginia Board of Pharmacy meeting

April 1-7 - Public Health Week

April 2 – Protocol WG meeting

April 6 - PHI Air Medical/MWHC PACES Conference Registration is now open.

April 10 - Virginia State Board of Health Meeting

April 11 – Pharmacy WG meeting

April 15-18 – REMS IBSC Critical Care Review Class 0800-1700

April 16 - the Medical Response and Surge Exercise (MRSE) will be held for all hospitals in the NVERS region. Limited play will also extend to public health and emergency management partners.

April 17 – Heart and Stroke WG meeting

April 18 – ITM Committee meeting

April 23 – 0900-1400 All Hands Meeting – Flagship Committee FY2025 Strategic Planning to include: Guidelines and Training/Medical Review /Strategic Planning/Executive/ITM Committees and Performance Improvement WG meeting

May 2-3  – State Committee Meetings and EMS Advisory Board meeting

May 14 - EMS Safety

May 16 - BLS Instructor

May 14-19 – Tidewater EMS Council 2024 Healthcare Expo

June 4 – REMS Regional EMS Awards -  nominate with our quick form

June 20 – GEMS

June 24-25 PALS Provider

Nominations are now open for our Regional EMS Awards.  You may use the REMS quick form to get started.  New this year: staff assistance in award narratives/photos if needed AND two new Regional categories for Lifetime Achievement and Outstanding EMS Call.

The REMS Council Board of Directors consists of representation from volunteer and career agencies in our planning districts and localities, as well as at large membership.  More information on the makeup and backgrounds of REMS Council Staff and BOD may be found here.

The REMS Council Regional Training and Simulation schedule is filling up for 2024.  If you would like to use the training center or some equipment, please submit the request through our website sooner rather than later.

New and Noteworthy:

REMS Council has been working with VDH’s Transportation Safety Supervisor, RCVFRA, CCVFRA, and LOWVFR to pioneer a novel approach to developing safety seat check sites in PD9.  REMS will take on the administrative and reporting aspects of the sites and provide a technician to Rappahannock County, Orange County, and Culpeper County.   The hosting agencies in turn are providing support with two volunteers to safely staff the site.

The first site was hosted in Rappahannock by Castleton VFR on March 14.  Rappahannock County sites will be held 11 am -1 pm on the second Thursday of the month.  Orange County site will be held at LOWVFR on the third Thursday of the month from 9:30 am -12:00 noon.  Beginning in April, Culpeper County’s site will be held at CCVRS on the first Thursday of the month from 10 am-1 pm.

If you are interested in becoming a CPS Tech, REMS is hosting the region’s first hybrid class, beginning March 23rd.  Unlike traditional classes, the in-person meeting requirement for the class is limited to April 26 and 27.  Full schedule details and registration can be found here.  

The Virginia Office of EMS has announced some restructuring as part of its ongoing engagement with Fitch and Associates.

This week at the Council:

REMS Council was pleased to host a showing of Odd Hours, No Pay, Cool Hat. Agencies are encouraged to use this documentary as part of their recruitment efforts.  REMS Council has a DVD copy of the movie that can be reserved for agencies in our area.  Other options include streaming versions.  If you would like to reserve the DVD for your agency or would like other assistance bringing it to your community, don't hesitate to get in touch with the staff.

The Cultural Diversity workgroup met and developed a timeline of actions identified to complete the process for the creation of the educational video about cultural diversity when dealing with the death of a patient.

The REMS Council is in discussions with UMW to host a communications intern from their Fredericksburg campus.

Staff from the REMS Council have started the process to become official interpreters for VDH.

Staff attended the regional medication kit transition workgroup meeting.  As of March 11, the Virginia Society of Health Systems Pharmacists announced that hospitals will NOT be interested in and/or able to provide medications under one-for-one exchange after November 27, 2024.  This means that EMS agencies will need to develop a process for obtaining and providing medications.  The REMS Council is working to establish a vendor relationship where non-governmental agencies could potentially have cost savings on ordering.  More to come on this as the process unfolds.  Each agency is encouraged to move forward immediately with obtaining a CSR and completing the process for DEA inspection.  The regional councils continue to offer technical support to any agency who needs assistance with the process for converting over to agency-supplied medications.  

The Initial ODGA Datathon Team Meeting for VDH was held on March 14 to coordinate initial actions. REMS has been selected to be included on the VDH team which will develop a presentation of an innovative solution related to a TBD proposed challenge.

​Staff attended Tableau training on March 12 focusing on transforming visualizations for easier interpretation of data and a webinar on March 14 on Interventional Neurology services which was hosted by LFEMS Council.

REMS has held a total of eight sessions for the Stafford County Airway Program in February and March.  Over the next week, the county's remaining ALS providers will filter through the final two training sessions at REMS for airway competency training.

The final protocol test for an out-of-region ALS release was delivered and the testing was successful.  Final paperwork is pending signature before being released.  There are currently seven additional providers in the ALS Release process working on their precepting.

A Red Dot Skills session was provided to Stafford County volunteers on March 14.

The REMS Council supported the 2024 Shenandoah Valley EMS Expo providing both administrative support and providing an instructor for the event.  The Expo offered 137 hours of CEU education across four days and had more than 135 EMS providers registered for the event. 

OEMS has released the February 2024 data quality report.

News You Can Use:

There is a first responders Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Grant opportunity through SAMHSA.  

The Office of EMS has released updated information on Return to Locality funding.  If your jurisdiction has questions, please contact the REMS Council for updates and the latest information. 

MWHC and PHI Aircare’s Annual PACES event is open for registration.

PHI AirCare is excited once again to invite EMS providers and students to participate in our SIM scenarios at REMS.  Participants will provide patient reports to our flight crews and assist them throughout the scenario as requested.  After the scenario, PHI’s SIM evaluators will debrief with our flight crews. During this time, our educator or third PHI SIM assistant will provide a post-debrief with participants in a separate area to answer questions.  Providers holding a Virginia EMS Certification will receive Continuing Education (CE) credits for their participation.  To sign up, call us at REMS (540-373-0249) there are multiple dates and times available – participants may sign up for more than one slot.  

Upcoming Events

March 19 - STB Champion meeting 1500-1600

March 19 – King George HOSA student tour and scenario training 0930 - 1130

March 22 - Attributes of Leading - in-person @ TJEMS 1600-2000

March 22 - EMS Harm Reduction and SUD Treatment - online at 1400 hours.

March 23 - Leadership, Accountability, Culture and Training - in-person @ TJEMS 0900-1300

March 23 – Start of the hybrid CPST certification course.  March 23 – April 27th

Full schedule details and registration can be found here.  

April 1-7 - Public Health Week

April 2 – Protocol WG meeting

April 6 - PHI Air Medical/MWHC PACES Conference Registration is now open.

April 10 - Virginia State Board of Health Meeting

April 11 – Pharmacy WG meeting

April 15-18 – REMS IBSC Critical Care Review Class 0800-1700

On April 16, 2024, the Medical Response and Surge Exercise (MRSE) will be held for all hospitals in the NVERS region. Limited play will also extend to public health and emergency management partners.

April 23 – 0900-1400 All Hands Meeting – Flagship Committee FY2025 Strategic Planning

May 2-3  – State Committee Meetings and EMS Advisory     Board meeting

May 14 - EMS Safety

May 16 - BLS Instructor

May 14-19 – Tidewater EMS Council 2024 Healthcare Expo

June 4 – REMS Regional EMS Awards -  nominate with our quick form

June 20 – GEMS

June 24-25 PALS Provider

Nominations are now open for our Regional EMS Awards.  You may use the REMS quick form to get started.  New this year: staff assistance in award narratives/photos if needed AND two new Regional categories for Lifetime Achievement and Outstanding EMS Call.

The REMS Council Board of Directors consists of representation from volunteer and career agencies in our planning districts and localities, as well as at large membership.  More information on the makeup and backgrounds of REMS Council Staff and BOD may be found here.

The REMS Council Regional Training and Simulation schedule is filling up for 2024.  If you would like to use the training center or some equipment, please submit the request through our website sooner rather than later.

New and Noteworthy:

PD16 is actively working on a Safe Street's for All Grant and Safety Action Plan with a strong emphasis on safety countermeasures and engineering input for infrastructure changes.  Post-crash care is a key focus area that needs EMS input.  Funding can be allocated for various safety measures such as traffic incident management courses, equipment for responders (vests, signs, vehicles), extrication tools, whole blood, and PHTLS training, etc.  The SS4A Action Plan's public comment period will run until March 27, 2024. FAMPO will conduct a Public Hearing on March 18, 2024, during the Policy Committee meeting, allowing both in-person and remote participation.

To submit feedback on the draft Action Plan or for more information, individuals can fill out the survey, reach out to FAMPO via email at [email protected], phone (540) 642-1275, or visit the physical address at 406 Princess Anne St. Fredericksburg, VA 22401.

At the February 2 EMS Advisory Board Meeting, the request was made to have the regional EMS Councils develop a procedure for potential infectious disease exposures involving a patient who expired.  At the February REMS BOD meeting, they endorsed the REMS Council moving forward with providing such assistance.  REMS has created the necessary decedent blood testing account and received the equipment.  The regional OMD has also reviewed our draft policy and approved it.  Any agency or provider who runs into a situation where there is an exposure to decedent blood, or bodily fluids please contact the REMS Council for assistance.  Anyone interested in learning more about the process and procedure, please reach out for additional information. 

This week at the Council:

REMS held a total of six sessions for the Stafford County Airway Program on February 20th, 21st, 27th, and 29th, as well as March 4th and 6th.  Over the next two weeks, the remaining county’s ALS providers will filter through four more training sessions at REMS for airway competency training.

REMS Staff completed NEMSIS training for State Data Managers and attended the NEMSIS EMS/Hospital Interoperability Task Force meeting.

Staff attended the individual meeting for the NAEMSP Year Long Quality Improvement and Safety program on March 7.

OEMS has published the February 2024 Data Quality Report.  Please review the report and contact the REMS Council if you have any questions or need assistance in improving your scores.

One ALS Release packet for an Out of Region Intermediate provider was reviewed, and ALS Release paperwork for a Caroline Paramedic to start precepting was initiated.  REMS is currently awaiting additional documentation from both individuals before the next steps can occur.  There are currently six additional providers in the ALS Release process working on their precepting.

REMS Council is providing technical support to an agency currently developing a prehospital whole blood program.

The REMS Council participated in the Stafford County public schools Healthcare Symposium, providing a chance for students to get some hands-on experience with the Anatomage Table.

REMS Staff attended a Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) training working towards the goal of providing expert technical assistance to EMS agencies working on MCI planning.  

REMS staff participates in a weekly VDH Forum, where they share information about various programs and services in the Commonwealth.  The primary focus of this week's discussion was digital accessibility. Please review the ADA National Network for information on the National ADA Symposium and online courses for ADA training.  

REMS Council is building a partnership with UMW’s Communication and Digital Studies program, utilizing interns to enhance both our digital presence and the challenge of articulating our narrative.

REMS staff engaged in a virtual meeting with representatives from the Duty Fit program and OEMS.  The purpose was to explore collaborative opportunities to address provider needs related to Health and Wellness.  In addition, REMS staff met virtually with Duty Program representative and CSEMS Council staff to discuss provider Health and Wellness initiatives and explore opportunities for collaboration.  Various mental health resources were among the topics discussed, including Stress First Aid and The Code Green CampaignStress First Aid classes can be taught by the REMS Council, please reach out if you have a need.

REMS staff attended Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Training held at Stafford County.

The OEMS Legislative Report Grid for March 4 is available. 

News You Can Use:

 The Virginia Department of Health (VDH) in conjunction with NVERS and the Virginia Healthcare Emergency Management Program (VHEMP) is excited to announce the 2024 Community-Based Emergency Response Seminars (CBERS). CBERS is an annual training and exercise session designed around a specific topic for community partners.

There are two sessions available. Click on the links below to register:

Emergency Response Rulemaking.  The Emergency Response proposed rule is here!  OSHA is happy to announce that the Emergency Response proposed rule has been published in the Federal Register and is now available for viewing.  OSHA welcomes and encourages the submission of public comments in response to this proposed rule. The comment period ends on May 6, 2024.  Comments can be submitted to the Emergency Response Docket at  Additional information on OSHA's rulemaking process and how stakeholders can participate is available at

Upcoming Events

Nominations are now open for our Regional EMS Awards.  You may use the REMS quick form to get started.  New this year: staff assistance in award narratives/photos if needed AND two new Regional categories for Lifetime Achievement and Outstanding EMS Call.

The REMS Council Board of Directors consists of representation from volunteer and career agencies in our planning districts and localities, as well as at large membership.  More information on the makeup and backgrounds of REMS Council Staff and BOD may be found here.

The REMS Council Regional Training and Simulation schedule is filling up for 2024.  If you would like to use the training center or some equipment, please submit the request through our website sooner rather than later.


New and Noteworthy:

The REMS Council organized the final elective class at St. Patrick's Middle School. Mr. Don W. Willis, PEM, MEP Emergency Management Coordinator for Spotsylvania County, was honored with a challenge coin for his collaboration and community education efforts. Students were awarded participation certificates and REMS swag. Mrs. Corvetti, the coordinating teacher at St. Patrick's School, also received recognition for her contributions.

The January 2024 OEMS Data Quality report has been posted and is now available for review.  The report can be found under the Regulation and Compliance, Enforcement site using the link here.  As a reminder, the repository is now accepting NEMSIS 3.5 data.  Virginia has published all items on the NEMSIS website EMS software vendors should need.  OEMS realizes agencies will need time to adapt to changes within their individual software systems with this change.  While 3.5 data quality scores are included for reference so that Vendors can review their system and address issues, 3.5 data quality standards for EMS agencies are currently on hold during the 3.4 to 3.5 transition period.  For any questions on the published reports or this email, please contact OEMS support at: [email protected]

This week at the Council:

REMS held a total of four sessions for the Stafford County Airway Program on February 20th, 21st, 27th, and 29th.  Over the next six weeks all of the county’s ALS providers will filter through twelve training sessions at REMS for airway competency training.

The protocol testing and final release documents for one FRS Paramedic was conducted this week.  There are currently seven additional providers in the ALS Release process.

REMS staff coordinated meetings to facilitate discussions between GMU Duty Fit Program and representatives from Central Shenandoah and Western EMS Councils as well as ODEMSA and OEMS. The aim is to explore collaboration opportunities to support mental health and wellness initiatives for Virginia's first responders.

The Med Hawk Healers, a high school team from Brooke Point High School, spent two afternoons at the Council practicing on the Anatomage Table in advance of the March HOSA tournament in Virginia Beach.

The Youth Emergency Preparedness group received training from RAHD focusing on vulnerable populations. Prompted by a segment from "Children of the Tsunami, " students engaged in an eye-opening activity, considering disasters from various perspectives.  Students then prioritized groups to support which will include: Mary’s Shelter, Spotsylvania Farmer’s Market, a King George County nursing home, and Catholic Charities, with plans for presentations and outreach.

Following VDH and OEMS training requirements, REMS staff completed Emergency Managers Basic Academy training include IS-120 and IS-130.

REMS staff participated in the Regional PI forum on February 27, NEMSIS v3 Implementation Call on February 28, Regional Educator forum on February 28,  and NAEMSP Year Long Quality Improvement and Safety program on February 28.  

Additionally, staff also attended VDH Training and Development PLC Monthly Meeting in which the benefits of using REDCap as a survey tool were discussed. During this meeting REMS joined a team of 6 participants to represent VDH on the ODGA - Datathon starting April 12 and concluding on April 19 with presentations of innovative solutions related to the proposed challenge.

REMS participated in a Census Bureau webinar on Community Resilience Estimates (CRE). Originally designed as a pilot program to assess the impact of COVID-19 on socially vulnerable populations, this tool now offers valuable data for guiding community-based prevention and education programs in our region. Emergency Planners, Local Health Departments, and County and Regional Strategic Planning can benefit from comparing local data with national averages on resiliency factors, identifying specific barriers to resilience, and informing strategic planning.

Please find more information about the CRE here.  Additional tools, including a CRE Interactive tool and CRE Datasets along with their methodology are available.  An Evaluation of Social Vulnerability and Community Resilience Indices and Opportunities for Improvement through Community Resilience Estimates is also available for review here.  

Upcoming Events

Nominations are now open for our Regional EMS Awards.  You may use the REMS quick form to get started.  New this year: staff assistance in award narratives/photos if needed AND two new Regional categories for Lifetime Achievement and Outstanding EMS Call.

Just a reminder that nominations are needed for the following positions with the Virginia Stroke Systems Task Force. Feel free to nominate yourself or someone else. Deadline is March 15th



EMS Representative

Eastern Region Neurologist

Northwestern Region Neurologist

Southwest Region Neurologist

Primary Care Physician

Media Representative

Legislator or Aide


The REMS Council Board of Directors consists of representation from volunteer and career agencies in our planning districts and localities, as well as at large membership.  More information on the makeup and backgrounds of REMS Council Staff and BOD may be found here.

The REMS Council Regional Training and Simulation schedule is filling up for 2024.  If you would like to use the training center or some equipment, please submit the request through our website sooner rather than later.


New and Noteworthy:

The first two sessions for the Stafford County Airway Program were held on February 20th and 21st.  Over the next six weeks, all of the county’s ALS providers will filter through twelve training sessions at REMS for airway competency training.

The EMS Next Steps WG met on Friday and had a healthy discussion surrounding current issues and financial updates from OEMS.  OEMS has, in the past, funded a state-level EMS recognition program at the annual EMS Symposium as the next step after the regional awards are decided at the local level.  OEMS announced this week that they will no longer be able to financially support this program moving forward.  The 2023 state-level award winners will be recognized at the May 2024 EMS Advisory Board meeting in Richmond.  To continue the awards program moving forward, it will require financial sponsorship and additional support.  The EMS Council's RDG will be meeting soon to discuss options for moving forward.  In addition, the annual EMS symposium was cancelled in 2023 due to financial constraints.  The Inova Health System has offered funding to support a state-wide conference and the Western Virginia EMS Council has been asked to work with IHS to clarify the details and work on planning the event.  We'll let you know the details as soon as they are available.  

Also, at the EMS Next Steps WG meeting, the Chair established two new groups.  One group will handle the upcoming November 2024 deadline for compliance with the FDA DSCSA, which seems likely to eliminate the regional medication kit exchange and, at least, require everyone to transition to a one-for-one system.  The other will discuss the role of EMS Councils moving forward.  Minutes from the last meeting, January 26, are available here and the next meeting will be in March.


EMS Next Steps Workgroup 012624 meeting minutes APPROVED.pdf


The REMS Council will be hosting two graduate-level health informatics interns for a 6-week paid internship starting in May.  They will be working on projects related to PI plans and also creating data visualization tools for the Rappahannock Area Health District.

The Office of EMS has completed a review of the triage tag requirements that are included as part of the vehicle permitting process. The following was approved by the Virginia EMS Advisory Board on February 2, 2024:  Licensed EMS agencies must utilize either electronic or printed systems to track patients in mass casualties and other large events such as evacuation, sheltering, etc. Agencies must have redundancy built into their chosen process, in case of system failure. Agencies must also ensure the chosen system allows for appropriate patient transfer documentation at the receiving facility.  OEMS also provided a recommended minimum dataset list.  Please contact the REMS Council for the recommended fields that should be included in/on your tags.

 Past week at the Council:

At the February 21st meeting, the Board of Directors approved several action items:

o   To discontinue the scholarship funding for in-region providers to attend classes at REMS for a discounted price due to the current OEMS financial hardships.  Moving forward, REMS providers will pay the same cost as non-REMS providers for all of our classes.  This decision was not made lightly and we have set the pricing as low as we can in order to cover required textbooks, equipment, and other admin fees.  The costs are comparable to other Training Centers throughout the state, and will be effective April 1st.  We will reevaluate this program in the next budget cycle to determine if any additional changes are needed.

o   To remove the meeting time from the Guidelines and Training charter so that the time can be set by the Chairperson.

o   The REMS Council 2023 annual report, and the purchase of an Ultrasound to enhance training at the REMS Council Regional Training and Simulation Center.  Be on the lookout for upcoming training with this new tool.

REMS Staff collaborated with Spotsylvania Emergency Management for an emergency preparedness session at St. Patrick's Middle School. Spotsylvania Station 5, along with a fire marshal, showcased a fire engine and medic unit in action during a simulated call, sparking enthusiasm among students for potential careers in emergency response.

REMS participated in the HHS/ASPR Project ECHO Clinical Readiness Rounds, focusing on the importance of multidisciplinary collaboration for effective disaster preparedness. Discussions emphasized the integration of technological solutions to enhance coordination in medical transport, hospital assignments, and the reunification process at local, regional, and national levels. This aligns with one of the ECHO projects related to a grant REMS is considering.  The full article can be found here.

REMS staff was invited to attend the monthly Culpeper County Volunteer Fire/Rescue Association meeting to discuss the opportunity to bring a safety seat station to the county.  Company 11 enthusiastically offered to host the site.  This agreement will establish the safety seat sites at three of the four counties in PD9.   The first site will be held in Rappahannock County at Castleton Community VFC on March 14th.

REMS Council will be hosting a hybrid CPST certification course.  The hybrid course will begin with online sessions on March 23 and will conclude with in-person sessions at the REMS Council location on April 26 and 27thFull schedule details and registration can be found here.  

REMS initiated contact with Regional EMS Councils across the state and VDH-OEMS representatives to lay the foundation to garner participation for the Duty Fit Collaboration project. This project aims to establish a statewide platform, ensuring that first responders have access to mental health and wellness resources specifically tailored to meet their unique needs, all subject to thorough review.

REMS Staff facilitated the monthly COPE/MIH forum on the topic of affordable housing.

REMS Staff met with an agency on February 22 to provide technical assistance regarding the upcoming pharmacy changes in November, and to schedule several training opportunities.

Staff continues to participate in the NAEMSP Year Long Quality Improvement and Safety program.

Staff attended a webinar on Defusing H-Bombs: Preventing Secondary Injury in Traumatic Brain Injury on February 20th

Other news:

The Virginia Stroke Systems Task Force is seeking nominations.  Please visit this link  to nominate yourself or someone that you feel would be qualified to serve in this role.

  • Co-Chair
  • EMS Representative
  • Northwestern Region Neurologist
  • Southwest Region Neurologist
  • Primary Care Physician
  • Legislator or Aide
  • Media Representative

All Voting Members serve a two-year term, are selected by the VSSTF co-chairs and may be reappointed for additional two-year terms.  Nominations close March 14th.

Upcoming Events:

  •      February 26 - TJEMS Council VILT training on Pediatric Cardiology (come to REMS or attend virtually) 1900-2100 To attend at REMS, RSVP here.
  •      March 9 - Carmel Church Fire Station 10 Grand Opening (Caroline County) 1000
  •      March 13 - Special Movie Night "Odd Hours No Pay Cool Hat"1830-2030 at REMS – please RSVP here
  •      March 19 - STB Champion meeting 1500-1600
  •      March 22 - Attributes of Leading- in-person @ TJEMS 1600-2000
  •      March 23 - Leadership, Accountability, Culture and Training- in-person @ TJEMS 0900-1300
  •      April 6 - PHI Air Medical/MWHC PACES Conference
  •      April 10 - Virginia State Board of Health Meeting
  •      April 15-18 – REMS IBSC Critical Care Review Class0800-1700
  •      April 23 – 0900-1400 All Hands Meeting – Flagship Committee FY2025 Strategic Planning
  •      May 2-3  – State Committee Meetings and EMS Advisory Board meeting
  •      May 14 - EMS Safety
  •      May 16 - BLS Instructor
  •      May 14-19 – Tidewater EMS Council 2024 Healthcare Expo
  •      June 20 – GEMS
  •      June 24-25 - PALS Provider

Nominations are now open for our Regional EMS Awards.  You may use the REMS quick form to get started.  New this year: staff assistance in award narratives/photos if needed AND two new Regional categories for Lifetime Achievement and Outstanding EMS Call (criteria for both will be posted soon).

The REMS Council Board of Directors consists of representation from volunteer and career agencies in our planning districts and localities, as well as at large membership.  More information on the makeup and backgrounds of REMS Council Staff and BOD may be found here.

The REMS Council Regional Training and Simulation schedule is filling up for 2024.  If you would like to use the training center or some equipment, please submit the request through our website sooner rather than later.


New and Noteworthy:

High school students from ten teams across the state, including those from Stafford, Spotsylvania, and Prince William County, participated in the inaugural REMS Anatomage Tournament held on February 7th. The Nervous Ninjas, a team from Colonial Forge High School, emerged as the champions in this regional qualifier. Throughout the fall semester, REMS has been providing instructional table time during and after school to support local teams. The impressive results of the students' hard work were evident, earning the Nervous Ninjas an invitation to compete in the National Anatomage tournament in Las Vegas in June.  The Ninjas are very interested in attending the Nevada finals, but it comes with a logistic and financial burden.  Please contact the REMS Council if you are interested in helping to support this opportunity.

Local coverage of the tournament is here


Stafford 'Ninjas' earn top prize in first local Anatomage tournament

Past two weeks at the Council:

REMS Performance Improvement Specialist developed and held the TTT session for the Stafford County Airway Program.  Over the next six weeks, all of the county’s ALS providers will filter through twelve training sessions at REMS for airway competency training.

The REMS Council has been approved to host two Graduate-level interns from Norfolk State University who are studying healthcare informatics.  The interns will be at REMS in May and June working on various data projects and we're excited to have them join us!

ALS Release WG met on Feb 8 to discuss multiple revisions to the ALS Release Handbook.  Edits are now in progress, then will be forwarded to Guidelines and Training Committee for review before progressing to the BOD.

An ACLS review course was held at the Council for four regional providers, all of whom received scholarship funds to attend the class without agency or provider charge.  

REMS staff, in collaboration with UMW, provided training to 47 graduating teachers covering essential skills such as first aid, CPR, AED, and Stop the Bleed. Additionally Stroke Education for implementation in schools was presented, including the distribution of stroke education curriculum and materials tailored for students across elementary, middle, and high school levels.

REMS continues to meet with various workgroups and stakeholders to iron out the details of the upcoming enforcement of the FDA regarding the DSCSA, which will likely reduce, if not eliminate, the hospital pharmacy ability to provide medications to the EMS system and support the regional medication exchange box program as of November 27, 2024.  The regional REMS pharmacy WG has been working on this topic for the last year and staff at REMS remain available to provide technical support to any agency in need. 

COPE recently attended two events: the Internship Expo organized by the Fredericksburg Chamber of Commerce and The Table. At the Internship Expo, COPE engaged with students eager to learn about opportunities to make a difference in their communities, sharing information about its current initiative, You Are The Help Until Help Arrives. Meanwhile, at The Table, COPE focused on promoting oral hygiene and distributing vital information about dental care alongside toothpaste and brushes. The organization was joined by its Community Partners, Lloyd Moss Clinic, and NAMI.

Youth Emergency Preparedness students underwent an ACES training led by our partners at RACSB. They delved into the 1990 ACES study, acquired practical resilience-building tips, participated in the Brain Game, and explored ways to incorporate this knowledge into their upcoming community outreach programs. In their regular Wednesday meeting, students applied the cognitive and hands on skills learned from the earlier REVIVE! training by RACSB in a training scenario. Additionally, the group examined FEMA’s 2023 National Household Survey on Disaster Preparedness, discussing strategies to leverage the survey data for their planned outreach efforts.

Additional youth training was provided in collaboration with Spotsylvania Emergency Management in Emergency Preparedness to middle school students at St. Patrick School.

REMS visited Boulder Crest site in Bluemont, Virginia, as part of the goal to identify mental health resources for first responders. Orange County and Caroline County representatives attended for regional collaboration. Boulder Crest offers nationwide peer support services for first responders and veterans.

  • Warrior PATHH is a 90-day, non-pharmacological peer-delivered training for veterans, starting with a 7-day initiation in Bluemont.
  • Struggle Well Experience and Struggle Well programs for first responders are provided locally for 1, 2, or 5-day sessions, followed by 3 months of dedicated support and training.
  • Veterans can request a stay at Bluemont cabins with their families during challenging times for reconnection.

A new working partnership was established with Morgan Moore, a graduate Master of Social Work Student interning at Sunstone Counseling. Moore is involved in the Duty Fit platform program, part of an initiative from George Mason University and funded by the National Science Foundation’s Research Traineeship Program (NRT)|Team FIRE | Duty Fit LLC. The Duty Fit platform employs technology solutions to identify resources for first responders in Virginia, enhancing their access to tools for improved health and wellness outcomes.

REMS met with a Priority Dispatch representative to learn more about the required training that ECC and PSAPs are using to better address mental health-related calls.

Staff meet with HEAL Program representatives to explore collaboration opportunities addressing language and literacy barriers faced by pre-hospital providers serving community members with English as a second language or limited medical comprehension.

REMS staff attended weekly VDH forums, Overtime Trap webinar (resources for financial health for first responders), Regional Medication Kit Transition WG meeting, VSSTF EMS Destination WG meeting, and the two-day NEMSAC meeting, and the Germanna Community College Health Science and EMS advisory board meetings on February 8. REMS Staff also attended various state committee meetings in early February, as well as the EMS Advisory Board meeting.  Here is a link to the OEMS Quarterly Report which provides extensive updates and information.

Outside the Council News:

The US Department of Health and Human Services has released a new document describing goals to enhance cybersecurity in the healthcare sector.

OEMS has updated the Virginia EMS Portal.  Here is a link in case you encounter any issues or need to report a problem. Additional changes from Richmond include new written updates on various projects and events at the central office.  Here is their first update, released February 14.

OEMS has received calls indicating there is confusion about how to report the required data when there were no calls during the reporting period.  Guidance document is available here.

The Central Office of EMS in Richmond has advised that they will be returning to work full time from the office on Tuesday February 20.  VDH is also working to upgrade infrastructure and improve internet access at OEMS.

It is General Assembly time and there is plenty of activity.  Please review information on current bills and actions that may be of interest.

Upcoming Events:

The REMS Council Board of Directors consists of representation from volunteer and career agencies in our planning districts and localities, as well as at large membership.  More information on the makeup and backgrounds of REMS Council Staff and BOD may be found here.

The REMS Council Regional Training and Simulation schedule is filling up for 2024.  If you would like to use the training center or some equipment, please submit the request through our website sooner rather than later.