Kick the year off by joining our Region-wide logo contest.
REMS EMS Council exists to facilitate the development and continued operation of a high-quality, dedicated, and coordinated emergency response and preparedness system for Planning Districts 9 and 16. (Fauquier, Rappahannock, Culpeper, Orange, Stafford, Spotsylvania, King George, and Caroline Counties as well as the City of Fredericksburg and the Town of Colonial Beach).
We are looking for something that visually represents our region and our close relationship with the Virginia Department of the Office of Emergency Medical Services.
The logo must contain the REMS shield which is a combination of a red fire shield and a blue star of life. However, modifications from the original are permissible – see at the end for an example where the words from the logo were dropped, and the size of the star of life was enlarged.
Anyone residing in PD 16 and 9 is eligible to submit up to two pieces of artwork for consideration.
All artwork must be original – you cannot use third-party artwork or materials in your work – this means that you cannot use anything that was created by someone else, including previous trademarks. No obscene, profane, or content not in alignment with the mission and values of REMS Council as determined by staff will be considered. Once submitted, the artwork is considered the property of REMS Council, reserving full reproduction rights and alterations/adaptations as necessary.
Submissions will be accepted from January 1 through 5 PM on January 16. Submissions should be emailed to [email protected].
All eligible submissions may be used internally in education boards or in future social media/website posts.
REMS Council Staff will select the top three selections from each of the categories and will present them to the REMS Board of Directors at their February meeting for final selection. The BOD will choose the top winner in each category and the top overall winner.
The top three submissions in each category will be recognized at our annual EMS Awards Ceremony held in June/July. The overall winner will be announced and receive $500 and a chance for their artwork to be featured as the REMS Council logo (the BOD retains the right to not use the art as the logo if the design of the artwork doesn’t align with organizational needs).
Categories are age-based:
Children under 13
Teens 13-19
Adults 20 and above
Accepted file formats include .jpeg, .gif, and .png.
Logos can be used on larger signage as well as shirts/business cards so keep that in mind when designing – what looks good on a poster board may not translate to a shirt pocket.
Virginia’s Regional EMS Councils (check out their logos for ideas)
Proof of age and residence within PD9 or PD16 will be required before receiving awards/recognition.