Posted on by tristengraves

The Spring 2023 RSAF Grant Cycle is now open and will close on Wednesday March 15, 2023, at 5 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST).
OEMS will accept applications from nonprofit licensed EMS agencies and other Virginia EMS organizations pursuant to § 32.1-111.12 via the EMS Grant Information Funding Tool (E-GIFT).
The financial assistance for Emergency Medical Services Grants Program, known as the Rescue Squad Assistance Fund (RSAF) is a grant program for nonprofit licensed EMS agency or other Virginia emergency medical service organization operating on a nonprofit basis exclusively for the benefit of the general public pursuant to § 32.1-111.12 of the Code of Virginia.
Items eligible for funding include EMS equipment and vehicles, computers, EMS management programs, courses/classes and projects benefiting the recruitment and retention of EMS members.
For more information, visit: RSAF Grants Program