RSAF is back ON for FALL 2024

RSAF is back ON for FALL 2024

After a brief hiatus, the Fall 2024 cycle of the RSAF competitive matching grant program begins on August 1, 2024. OEMS will accept applications from nonprofit licensed EMS agencies and other Virginia EMS organizations pursuant to § 32.1-111.12 until September 16, 2024. The grant period for RSAF is 12 months with January 1, 2025, as the start date, and December 31, 2025, as the end date.

Programs, services, and equipment funded by RSAF must comply with the plans, policies, procedures, and guidelines adopted by the EMS Advisory Board pursuant to §32.1-12 and 32.1-111.3 of the Code of Virginia. RSAF grants may be approved for the following:

1. Establishment of a new EMS agency, program, or service where needed to improve emergency medical services offered in an area.
2. Expansion or improvement of an existing EMS agency, program, or service.
3. Replacement of equipment or procurement of new equipment; or
4. Establishment, expansion, or improvement of EMS training programs

Applications will be accepted via the EMS – Grant Information Funding Tool (E-GIFT) before 5 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) on September 16, 2024.

All applications must include itemized quotes for requested items, verification of the agency’s Federal Identification Number (FIN), and appropriate e-signatures.

RSAF awards shall be made in accordance with § 32.1-111.12 of the Code of Virginia. Funding priorities for RSAF are identified in the Virginia Statewide EMS Plan as stipulated in § 32.1-111.3 of the Code of Virginia. Funds shall not be approved or disbursed for the following:

1. Leased equipment or vehicle.
2. Equipment or vehicles secured by a lien.
3. Guarantees or warranties.
4. Used equipment or vehicles without prior approval; or
5. Fire suppression apparatus or law-enforcement equipment.

The Consolidated Grants Product Price List, which can be found on the RSAF webpage, represents the average prices of vehicles and equipment frequently requested under RSAF. This list is based on current market pricing and is not all-inclusive. Grant awards will not exceed the amount per category on this list or available statewide contracts as applicable. Applicants are encouraged to reference this list when determining their match for the RSAF program.
OEMS will only accept applications submitted through E-GIFT with all appropriate e-signatures, price quotations, and other relevant information by the application deadline, 5 p.m. EST, September 16, 2024.

FOR MORE INFORMATION, please check the RSAF webpage:
Or contact Michael D. Berg, EMS Systems Funding, [email protected] or (804) 888-9106.

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